Margo Jones was a homeschool parent for eleven years, graduating her youngest child in 2017. In addition to instructing her own children, she taught a Public Speaking Class for IDEA students, and reviewed Art History with the IDEA Academic Decathlon team for three years. As 907 Education, she has taught Personal Finance for two semesters and Physics for one year.
Drawing on her background as a Mechanical Engineer, she believes that students will develop a deeper understanding of Physics principles through lots of hands-on opportunities to experiment and experience the principles for themselves. Expect to be out of your seat, and participating actively in her Physics class.
Margo has also taught the adult version (Financial Peace University) of the Foundations class, and is enthusiastic about helping teens steer clear of financial pitfalls. Practicing these financial principles has empowered the Jones family to have an At-Home-Mom and a mid-life career change for Dad while maintaining financial security. The Foundations class challenges students to clarify and synthesize their personal priorities and their financial goals